Monday, September 9, 2013

Numbered Baby Onesies

My friend, Alyssa, originally did this for our friend, Debbie's shower a while back and I stole her idea.

I loved the way they were personalized, how they turned out, and the idea behind them. They were by far the hit of the shower both times.

You will need: 

1. Blank onesies in a variety of sizes: three size 0-3 mos, six size 3-9 mos, three size 12 mos. Walmart is where you can find the cheapest ones (about $8 a pack, and they actually come with 4 per package). 

2. Fabric. I had 5 fat quarters, which I bought in a pack, also at Walmart, for $7. It was MORE than enough fabric, but having 5 designs gave people options and they all went together really well. You could probably do them all in 1 fat quarter if you use your fabric well and wanted them to all look alike. 

3. Iron on adhesive web. It comes by the yard on a bolt from Pellon, also in the fabric section. This stuff can get expensive, but it was about $2 a yard at Walmart. You only need a half yard. 

4. Number outlines. I made mine on MS Word using the Word Art section and printed on regular paper. I made them 4" tall, which I think is a perfect size. (If you want the exact same ones, the font is Aardvark size 300 pt.)

5. Pins- because you will want to pin the number, fabric, and adhesive together before you cut. 

6. Scissors

7. Iron and board

8. Puff paint

9. Patterns for other shapes (optional)

Set Up: 

Pin each number to a proper sized onesie. If you want people to be able to decorate any extras, set those out, too. I suggest hanging them with clothespins! 


1. Pin the following items in this order:
number pattern piece
fabric (right side up)
Pellon with web side up (keep on the paper for now)

2. Cut out the number from all 3 layers at once.

3. Unpin the layers, removing the paper number and peeling the paper off of the web adhesive.

4. Make sure the web is lined up with the number as perfectly as possible, place on onesie, and iron it on!

5. Decorate with puff paint.

Nine was decorated by a high school boy. I was nervous at first, but he really had a great time and it turned out great!

Eleven is my favorite, and was done by baby's 17 year old uncle. So adorable! 

I had some other shapes for another craft that we hijacked and used to make more onesies! 

6. Let them dry overnight. I left them hanging, but you can also set them out on a flat surface to dry. 

The great thing about these is that even if you make a mistake, they are homemade and so it is just part of the charm! 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Baby Shower!

My sister-in-law is pregnant. I am crafting. Here are some of the things I did for her shower:

  • Decor
Hanging paper lanterns. I didn't make them, I got them at They were a good price, look cute, and got here in a week. Bonus. I bought them in sizes 8" (little blue) to 18" (big purple). 

We also decided to get some paper cupcake wrappers, colorful straws, and rubber bands to help decorate and label peoples drinks.
Not my craft, but one of the other ladies made kisses with personalized stickers. SO. CUTE.

  • Activities 
Baby onesies with month numbers on them:
These turned out so great, I will post a second blog on how to do them!

Words for Baby: I made this in Word. I am going to hole punch and make a little booklet out of them to keep in the nursery.

Baby Mobile: 
So this was a great idea, but in execution, I learned a few things:

1. Shrink film is not as easy to use as it sounds. (This was my BEST trial piece- yikes!)
2. Even if you go for regular paper, you should cut things out for people first. I only got 5 total pieces (out of 60+ attendees)! Not such a great turn out, but I will make some and have the family fill them out later.

  • Present
I decided to make a blanket. I know, she will have a million, but I am hoping since this is in her nursery colors, she will actually use it!