Saturday, October 27, 2012

Birthday Cards

This weekend I will be celebrating with 2 of my very special friends who have graced us with one more year of being awesome.

I decided to make "cards" for each of the ladies with a balloon theme.

First, I decided to make a cute balloon card for my dearest friend, Sarah, for her 30th. No need to dwell on numbers- it is just a cute card. Although I used a Cricut machine, I just made different sized circles out of colored paper and then cute little triangles to make the nubbins. Some string and a bit of glue later, this is what emerged!

Next, I decided for Alyssa's 24th, she needed something a little more inspiring. So, I listed the 24 reasons we are celebrating her, printed them off on a cute font from my computer, and cut them up, sticking each one rolled up inside of a balloon.

Using balloon ribbon, I tied them all together and hung them from a hanger. Then I printed out a "card" to go on the top of the hanger. 

It said" Reasons to celebrate Alyssa: A 3D birthday card" and on the inside I wrote her a little note and told her to start popping!

When she "opens" the card, she will see 24 little notes of why I love her, which hopefully will help lift her spirits  (Get it, because balloons lift up? Well, helium ones do. You get it...)

Well, that is it! Happy birthday to my two wonderful ladies, and I hope that the rest of you feel inspired!

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