Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pacman Incentive Chart

This week, my friend Trena and I decided to have a crafting day. She is a 6th grade teacher with a homeroom of all boys. I am a former 6th grade teacher with a love of video games. It is like we were made to be friends.

I should let you all know, this was entirely Trena's idea. I just helped with execution. So, to motivate her homeroom to all come to school for 100% attendance days, she decided a little motivation would help. Also, video games.

We made this poster where every day there is 100% attendance, Pacman gets to chomp another bite. (Pacman is a magnet so he can always be repositioned. The rest of the poster will be laminated for reuse year after year.) You can see at certain points he gets donuts, pancakes, pizza, and at the end, there is an Xbox. When the students get to those days, they get a class party.

We also used the ghosts to guide the students on the path we want them to take so that it is perfectly spaced 5 days to the first party, 5 to the second, 10 to the third, and 10 to the fourth.

Hopefully when the kids see this on Monday, they will be excited and it will help to make sure that they are in school as much as possible!

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