Saturday, October 13, 2012

Bridal shower advice from the heart

My sister-in-law had a bridal shower a few months ago, and it was totally cute. The ladies from her church who threw it have been doing these forever, and they are like Pintrest for pros.

One cute idea they used was to cut out little paper hearts and have the girls write words of advice for the bride and groom. With no real intention for what to do with them after the shower, I took over to make them a cute display.

I started by purchasing a 12*12 shadow box (from Target), 12*12 scrapbook paper in baby pink chevron, and the hearts from the shower.

After arranging the hearts, I grabbed some double sided tape and went to work affixing them to the paper.

I felt like something was still missing, so I grabbed a silver paint pen and added a little decorative detail to the center glass, 

and the couple's name 

and "Words to take to heart" quote to the frame. 

I think it gave it a nice, subtle finish to the project! 

Ok, so my photography could use some work, but I live in a 600 sq.ft. apartment with bad lighting. It is really cute in person, though! 

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